Christ Culture Church Ron Howard Christ Culture Church Ron Howard

CHRIST. CULTURE. CHURCH Pt. 8 – Experiencing the Power of God - Pastor Marco Salazar

In this message, Pastor Marco returns to our series in 1 Corinthians by talking about the power of God. Have we settled for a powerless Christianity and are we praying for the power of God in our daily lives? The apostle Paul desired to know Christ and experience the power of His Spirit. Pastor Marco encourages us to do the same.

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Christ Culture Church Ron Howard Christ Culture Church Ron Howard

CHRIST. CULTURE. CHURCH Pt. 4 – Marriage, Divorce, Sex & Singleness - Pastor Marco Salazar

In this message, Pastor Marco continues to teach on a Biblical view of sex and marriage. We learn about the seriousness of the covenant of marriage and how our marriages ultimately point to the wedding Supper of the Lamb spoken about in Revelation. Paul teaches us that no matter where we are at in life, married or single, we are to honor God with our bodies.

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Christ Culture Church Ron Howard Christ Culture Church Ron Howard

CHRIST. CULTURE. CHURCH Pt. 1 – The Church’s Calling in Christ - Pastor Marco Salazar

In this message, Pastor Marco opens up a new series on Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The Corinthian church was divided, sinful and looking to the wrong things to find significance. Paul writes to explain and articulate the church’s true calling found in Jesus Christ! We discover that it is remarkably different from what the world celebrates and esteems.

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