Living Free: Finding Freedom In Christ
We were created for more than just a subpar existence. We were created to live free in Christ; free from the bondage of sin that so easily entangles us. This weekend Pastor Marco begins a new message series entitled, "Living Free: Finding Freedom in Christ." In this series we'll learn what the Bible says about breaking free from habitual sin, negative thoughts, demonic influence, and destructive habits that prevent us from a life of joy and freedom.
In this message, Pastor Marco speaks on freedom from bitterness and unforgiveness. Bitterness has the potential to destroy all of our relationships and even make us physically ill. Only when we choose forgiveness can we begin walking in freedom from the poison of bitterness.
In this message, Pastor Marco speaks on freedom from father wounds. Our experience with our earthly fathers always marks us either positively or negatively. As earthly fathers come to know the Heavenly Father’s love, they become better fathers to their children while putting an end to bitterness and the father wounds that ensue.
In this message, Pastor Marco speaks on freedom from addiction. Addiction to any substance or activity has the potential to derail our lives. Only when we reach a point of brokenness and humility will we look to Christ for freedom and new life.
In this message, Pastor Marco helps us gain an understanding of how much influence the demonic can have on a believer’s life and what steps we can begin to take to find wholeness and freedom in Christ.
In this message, Pastor Marco speaks on pursuing freedom from the lies we believe. In so many ways we have been lied to by the devil and deceived by the world’s philosophies. It’s only when we expose the lie and learn the truth, that we defeat the liar.
In this message, Pastor Marco begins a new series on freedom in Christ by teaching on two approaches we can take when it comes to God and our faith. One approach is based on the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The other approach is based on the tree of life. Depending on which tree we pick will make all the difference!