Christ. Culture. Church.

Our study of 1 Corinthians entitled “Christ. Culture. Church.”, a 4-week teaching on the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
In this message, Pastor Marco teaches on the gifts of speaking in tongues and prophecy from 1 Corinthians 14. Pastor Marco also gives a brief overview on how these gifts should be practiced today within the church.
In this message, Pastor Marco begins teaching on what Paul calls the greater gift, love. Without love, we’re like a crashing cymbal that serves no purpose. If we have love, we serve the church and remain others focused.
In this message, Pastor Marco begins to describe the nine gifts of the Spirit discussed in 1 Corinthians 12. Whether an individual has a miraculous gift or a more non-miraculous gift, we need one another. No gift or person is too insignificant for the body of Christ.
In this message, Pastor Marco returns to our series in 1 Corinthians by talking about the power of God. Have we settled for a powerless Christianity and are we praying for the power of God in our daily lives? The apostle Paul desired to know Christ and experience the power of His Spirit. Pastor Marco encourages us to do the same.
In this message, Pastor Marco talks about how we can begin to resist temptation. The truth of the matter is that the devil will attack each of us with temptation but we don’t have to be unprepared. We can decide today to honor God with every decision and be ready when temptation comes.
In this message, Carter Goss continues our series and speaks on the spiritual self-discipline necessary for victorious Christian life. The apostle Paul not only calls us to follow Christ, but to be examples to those around us, so that we might live with purpose and intention.
In this message, Pastor Marco talks about the “grey areas” of our faith from 1 Corinthians 8. How do we decide what we can do and not do according to our faith? Pastor Marco gives us five questions to ask ourselves when it comes to practicing Christian liberty while honoring God in all we do.
In this message, Pastor Marco continues to teach on a Biblical view of sex and marriage. We learn about the seriousness of the covenant of marriage and how our marriages ultimately point to the wedding Supper of the Lamb spoken about in Revelation. Paul teaches us that no matter where we are at in life, married or single, we are to honor God with our bodies.
In this message, Pastor Marco teaches on a Biblical view of marriage and sexuality. In his letter to the Corinthians, Paul addresses problems in the church that stem from sex. We discover that sex and marriage according to the Scripture is rooted in creation, repeated by Jesus and reflective of Christ and the Church.
In this message, Pastor Marco teaches how the church in Corinth was trusting in the wrong form of wisdom. The wisdom of this world is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic. But God’s wisdom is found in Jesus Christ and while many may reject it, it is the wisdom that leads to everlasting life.
In this message, Pastor Marco opens up a new series on Paul’s letter to the Corinthians. The Corinthian church was divided, sinful and looking to the wrong things to find significance. Paul writes to explain and articulate the church’s true calling found in Jesus Christ! We discover that it is remarkably different from what the world celebrates and esteems.