SEEK Pt. 3 – The Possibility of Prayer - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco begins concludes our annual SEEK series by teaching on James’ take on prayer. James teaches us that prayer was never meant to be a last resort but a first response for the believer. If God used the prophet Elijah in powerful ways through prayer, God too will work powerfully on our behalf when we pray.
SEEK Pt. 2 – The Power of Priority - Marcus Morgan
Pastor Marcus continues our SEEK Series with a message called “The Power of Priority”. In this message he will dive deeper into James chapter 4 and the life of Jesus to show how much our priorities impact our relationship with God and others.
SEEK Pt. 1 – Clean Hands and a Pure Heart - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco begins our annual SEEK series by teaching on James 4:8. We learn that God requires clean hands and a pure heart but only Jesus truly possesses these attributes. The closer we draw to Jesus the more He makes us like Him.