SEEK Pt. 3 – The Possibility of Prayer - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco begins concludes our annual SEEK series by teaching on James’ take on prayer. James teaches us that prayer was never meant to be a last resort but a first response for the believer. If God used the prophet Elijah in powerful ways through prayer, God too will work powerfully on our behalf when we pray.
SEEK Pt. 1 – Clean Hands and a Pure Heart - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco begins our annual SEEK series by teaching on James 4:8. We learn that God requires clean hands and a pure heart but only Jesus truly possesses these attributes. The closer we draw to Jesus the more He makes us like Him.
The God Who Draws Near - SEEK Kick Off - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco gives a preview of our annual SEEK series; encouraging us that God has always been pursuing us from the very beginning. Won’t we now begin taking steps toward Him?
Unwrapping the Miracle – Christmas Eve 2024 - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco explains the miracle of Christmas in Jesus coming to save humanity. As we turn to Him in faith and repentance, we unwrap the miracle of salvation.
Miracles Pt. 4 - Victory over the Darkness - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco concludes our series on miracles by focusing on Jesus’ authority over darkness. The spiritual realm is a reality, with God’s Holy Spirit on one side and Satan and his demons on the other. Although we are engaged in a spiritual battle, we have nothing to fear—Jesus has already triumphed over the devil. Today, we can experience true freedom from darkness!
Miracles Pt. 3 - Jesus Our Healer - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco teaches on Jesus’ healing miracles in the New Testament. You’ll learn about Jesus’ compassion for those who are suffering and the role of faith, desire, and humility as you approach God for healing today.
Miracles Pt. 2 - The Lord Will Provide: Miracles of Provision - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco explores the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 in John 6, revealing God’s compassionate heart toward His children. We see that God’s desire is to bless, provide, and generously give, reminding us that we can trust Him to meet our every need today.
Miracles Pt. 1 - The God of the Impossible - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco gives an introduction to the topic of miracles. Does God still perform miracles today and how can we receive a miracle? Pastor Marco addresses these questions and more in this message.
Gratitude Pt. 3 – Giving from a Grateful heart - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco talks about how gratitude is often expressed in generosity. As we begin to sow our time, talents, and treasures into God’s kingdom, God will not only supply the seed but He’ll also bring increase through our acts of generosity.
Gratitude Pt. 2 – The Power of Perspective - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco talks about how thankfulness in all circumstances is possible through a change of perspective. By drawing strength from Jesus, and allowing God to shift our vantage point, we can begin to give thanks, and see God’s providential hand, even in the most unfavorable circumstances.
Gratitude Pt. 1 – Gratitude as Worship - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco talks about our gratitude as worship. When we offer up gratitude to God, our hearts our reoriented to Him in worship. Entitlement is replaced by contentment and anxiety, fear, and doubt are removed by His weighty presence.
Israel’s Relevance for Today - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco teaches on the significance of modern day Israel and the Jewish people for Jesus followers today.
The Church & State Pt. 2 - Moral Clarity in a Corrupt Culture - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco covers some of the relevant and hot topic issues of our day during this election season. The church should take their civic responsibility to vote seriously while being salt and light to a broken and dark world.
The Church & State Pt. 1 - The Relationship between the Church and State - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco teaches on the relationship between the church and state. Civil government is God’s idea to bring flourishing to a nation but because of sin, there will never be a perfect earthly government. While believers are called to be good citizens, our highest allegiance belongs to Jesus Christ.
Knowing the Father Heart of God - Sonny Misar
In this message, Pastor Sonny Misar teaches on the importance of knowing God as our Father.
Prayer: Grasping The Heart of God Pt. 5 – Listening to God in Prayer - Marco Salazar (Copy)
In this message, Pastor Marco wraps up the series on prayer by focusing on listening to God. God has a distinctive voice and we can learn how to listen and hear Him speak today!
Prayer: Grasping The Heart of God Pt. 4 – Pray Without Ceasing - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco shows us how we can begin to practice the presence of God. The apostle Paul calls this, praying without ceasing. What sounds impossible at first glance can be learned through daily and consistent practice.
Prayer: Grasping The Heart of God Pt. 2 – The Prayer of Faith - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco speaks on the topic of approaching God in prayer with faith. Faith is not simply willpower or wishful thinking. Faith is the confidence that comes from knowing that God is a good Father who is present and available. Faith is trusting God that He will do what He says He will do.
One Thing Pt. 7 – Our Worship as Warfare - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco finishes up the One Thing series by talking about our worship as warfare. The Bible says that we are engaged in a very real spiritual battle and one of the ways we fight is through our praise and worship. Worship confuses the enemy, increases our faith, and boldly declares our allegiance to God no matter the circumstances.
One Thing Pt. 6 – Why We Worship - Marco Salazar
In this message, Pastor Marco speaks on three reasons we worship corporately as believers. These reasons not only bring glory to God, but are a benefit to us and a witness to a watching world.