Give Hope 2023

We are excited to announce this year’s holiday outreach, Give Hope 2023. On Sunday, December 3rd, we took up a special offering to benefit a few different areas. The first was to fulfill some of the many in-house needs and support families within our church body. The second was to give additional support to our local ministry partners. Lastly, a portion will be given to our international ministry partners.

Our goal was to raise $5,000. Below you will find our results! Because of your faithful giving, we raised $6,545! In addition to what has been raised, we rounded up to $8,000 so we could be even more generous this holiday season. You will also find how your giving directly benefitted those in our church body, and our local and international ministry partners. Thank you, once again, for your faithful generosity and shining the light of Jesus so brightly!


For Future Generations – Update - December 2023


For Future Generations – Update - November 2023